Each day in the U.S., eight children are wounded or killed in unintentional shootings.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
A simple solution
Make firearm safety devices more accessible
Shootings by children are among the most preventable forms of gun violence. Sadly, roughly 4.6 million children live in homes with at least one unlocked and loaded gun, according to a study in the Journal of Urban Health. Fortunately, research suggests that providing free cable locks is an effective way to increase safe storage practices among gun owners. In an effort to prevent unintentional shootings, Temple University Hospital’s Safe Bet program offers free cable gun locks — no questions asked — to Philadelphia families who have small children and firearms. To find out the location of the next community gun lock giveaway, please check Temple Safety Net’s Upcoming Events page.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Can I use a cable lock on my handgun?
Answer: Yes!
Question: Can I use a cable lock on my shotgun?
Answer: Certainly!
Question: Can I use a cable lock on my tactical rifle?
Answer: Absolutely!